Plan Writing Prompts
Plan Writing Prompts
Trigger Tackler
Jo’s plan: I will not gamble to fix my money pressures. I have a lot of evidence that gambling is not helping my money pressures. My personal experiences show that money lost is not gambled back and is gone. No amount of punting will win it back. I will remind myself of this whenever I feel under pressure.
Jim’s plan: The video about the house edge was really eye-opening. If I start thinking about gambling as the answer to my money worries, I’m going to remember that the house edge means that I’ll lose in the long run. I’ll set a reminder in my diary to watch the video again next Thursday morning.
Lionel’s plan: I can see myself having no credit card debt in the next six month and this will go a long way to reducing my money worries. To do this I’m going to set up a direct debit and pay a bit each week. That way I won’t have to think about it anymore.
Set your own goals
Nikau’s personal vision: I want to be living a really healthy life, I move every day and full of energy. I see myself as giving back to my people and have started a walking group. We chat about everyday stuff. When I’m with others I don’t lie anymore, and I am open to what others think. It’s all about respect for me.
Amy’s reasons for change: I want to make a change because I am tired of running out of money each week. I will feel so pleased with myself when I have money left over because I have not gambled so much. I will save the money to buy the whole family a weekend away.
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