Welcome to your personal toolbox for a pathway out of gambling.
Making a change to gambling behaviours can be challenging, exciting and scary. That is why we have created this toolbox for people wanting to make a change to their gambling.
Using this toolbox can change the way you think and feel about gambling. It can also help to reach a stage when gambling is no longer a concern
This toolbox contains a copy of the results on your screener. It takes a lot of effort to keep gambling when problems develop. You may be putting a lot of effort into getting money or recouping losses. It is possible though to redirect that effort into changing your gambling.
When you completed the screener you identified two strengths. The good news is that you can use your strengths to take steps towards achieving your personal goals.
Whāia te mātauranga hei oranga mō koutou
It can be really helpful to have a chat with someone about gambling. You can talk to someone right now if you like. This can be by phone, email or in person. Whatever is right for you.